Thursday, December 22, 2011

Welcome to our Site!!!

Hi fellow VVans

Welcome to our website. This website is meant to serve as a platform to communicate with you all on a regular basis. We will be posting all the happenings in the association here for you to stay updated. You can find all of our recent activities here.

We are planning to add hundreds of pictures from your school days to our existing photo gallery.Also, we are planning to add information about the present developments in the school and also information about our beloved teachers some of whom have retired and post it here, helping you to get in touch with them. We are also planning to ask the school management for inputs to this site that can be communicated to all it's alumni.

We will soon introduce membership features on our site through which we aim to re-connect you with your friends. We are already working on a database which has hundreds of alumni contacts. We are working on making the site more interactive too. We will post invites to any re-unions  or other activities here too.

Thank you for taking your time to visit us. Please keep coming back for updates.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

VVans Is now REGISTERED !! And now it is "VVans Sankalpa"

“VVans” is now registered..

                                   .. and now it is “VVans Sankalpa”

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A Platform For All VVans - VVans Védiké

In a neatly decked hall some years ago quite near our high school was an occasion to celebrate, the students and faculty of our wonderful school mingled together , had fun, became nostalgic and a few speeches were made on the podium. Among these speeches was a common theme that this network of students and alumni must be used towards something constructive, that this should be a platform where people having the common foundation of Vidyavardhaka could join hands in endeavors to benefit the school, society and gladden our hearts.

A lot of time has passed but now the platform is not just a thought but an actual presence that awaits only your participation and contribution. The network of currently 800 registered VVans awaits the needy and many more Alumni are sure to expand this network.

 From the VVans community, we are proud to bring forth the idea of VVans Vedike, the platform built around interacting vvans for them.

Today, We take immense  pleasure in Launching this platform, which we call