Membership Info

Vvans Sankalpa is the registered association formed by the alumni of VVSHS with the guidance and support of the management of VVS. We have been active for the last 5 years and have been reconnecting hundreds of alumni of VVSHS within themselves and with the school.
We function as an association working towards social welfare, and have carried out various social beneficiary activities especially aimed at the student community, both of VVSHS and other schools. The main programs include Career Guidance Week, Awareness programs for Rural government school students, and educational trips for the children of government schools.
Our future programmes include promoting a cleaner and greener environment with the use of energy-efficient and eco-friendly technologies, Health maintenance camps for the rural geriatric population & students, awareness programmes for the rural masses about education and job opportunities.
 We wish to grow as an association working selflessly towards improvement in the society around us. 

Membership Privileges:
Regular updates of our official meetings- including executive committee meetings.
Rights of admission to any meeting & rights to call for a meeting.
Members are entitled to benefit from any welfare activity planned for the members of the organization.
Access to the VVans database, which is a project aimed at connecting every student who passed out of VVSHS.
Guaranteed invitations to any event conducted by the association.
Right to vote.
Rights to contest elections (only for life members) and occupy posts in the association.
The executive committee and the association shall discuss any ideas put forward by the members and work towards giving shape to their dreams which are in the interest of the association and the society.

Membership Fee Details 

Entrance fee (Rs)
Fee (Rs)
Individual Life Members 
Associate Members

Present Office Bearers
1.Dr. Ganesh Ashwath  President
2.Hemanth N.  Secretary
3.Santosh C.Shettar  Jt.Secretary
4.Vivek R  Treasurer
5.Vijay Kumar G.R  Jt. Treasurer
6.Dr. Deepak Haldipur  Member, Executive Committee
7.Govindram V.N.  Member, Executive Committee
8.Sampath S.   Member, Executive Committee

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